Free Halloween Quiz

The Start of Family Quiz Zoom

For people who don’t know me, I am Kitty Smith; I was born in China and now live in the UK with 2 of my kids and a Scottish husband. When I’m not working, the most important thing is to do fun activities and be with my family.

The start of the family quiz was during COVID-19 lockdown time. I found it difficult not able to go and visit the other half of my husband’s family. So we decided to do a weekly Zoom meeting instead, like many people. The idea of having Zoom meetings is quite normal, as I use it for remote work meetings and video calls with my mum, who lives in China permanently.

The significant idea of having a family zoom meeting is that you show you’re willing to connect with the family and extend that caring mind to go across to all the family members. It involves 2 of my kids and hubby, her mum and her husband, and her sister and her 3 kids. This forms the member of our family quiz league.

We first started the family zoom meeting to virtually meet family members instead of our usual face-to-face meet-up once or every other month. Then we found out the whole family enjoy a good quiz night! Hey, so exciting! So we started to do a quiz in terms, so each family gets to do it once a month. We count up the scores and give the winning team a big cheer!

This Year’s Halloween

It’s really sad if you think about it, at this time of the year when it’s Halloween, instead of families having fun and kids dressing up, going around the neighborhood for Trick or Treat, this year, we get to do NOTHING – because of COVID19!

Where I live in Lancashire, we are the highest risk tier group, so we are literarily house-bound, even if it’s Halloween! So no ‘Trick or Treat, we are just having a Zoom meeting in front of a computer; this is our Halloween!

I know I sound very depressing, but I did make an effort to create a Halloween PowerPoint quiz.

The Free Quiz Download

I always like using PowerPoint for work, so I created our family quiz in PowerPoint format for a few family quizzes this year. Then the thought came to me – there must be family readers like myself who would use my PowerPoitn quiz with your own kids, family, or friend!

So here we go. I designed this free download here for you; it’s absolutely free! Go ahead and let me know if you like it!

The Make-up

My daughter is pretty specialized in doing make-up. So getting her to do my make-up this Halloween is natural. Here’s a Time-lapse video of how she was doing it. In the end, I’m a scary vampire!

Love the Vampire/Witch Tradition

I always enjoy a good vampire or witch film or story – I know you might be the same, but to tell you the truth, my hubby doesn’t like them, and he’s even scared of some of the witch films or TV programs I watch LOL.

I thought I just used this opportunity to list my top 10 favorite witches and vampire film here; let me know if you like them too.

1. Hocus Pocus, 1993

Hocus Pocus, Halloween


2. Trick ‘r Treat, 2007

Trick r Treat, Halloween

3. Monster House, 2006

Monster House, Halloween


4. The Addams Family, 1991

The Addams Family, Halloween


5. Ghostbusters,  1984

Ghost Busters, Halloween


6. Sleepy Hollow, 1999

Sleepy Hollow, Halloween


7. The Haunted Mansion, 2003

The Haunted Mansion, 2003, Halloween


8.  Edward Scissorhands, 1990

Edward Scissorhands, 1990, Halloween


9. The Sixth Sense, 1999

The Sixth Sense, 1999, Halloween


10. E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, 1982

E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, 1982, Halloween

I have watched these family Halloween films with my kids (the youngest one, aged 8). So if you love good family Halloween films, give these a try! Good family time is guaranteed!

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