Wealthy Affiliate
Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate – the Research

The name Wealthy Affiliate sounds like a scam!


I believed it myself first, before I actually looked into it.

You can google it yourself to see, just simply type in ‘is Wealthy Affiliate a scam’, there are a lot of blog posts talking about it, but very few are telling you it IS a scam!

So I went a long to find out this myself with their free membership as a starting point.

Wealthy Affiliate
Wealthy Affiliate


Wealthy Affiliate – what is it?

The Wealthy Affiliate website presents itself as an online education community to teach people affiliate marketing, aka making money online, it is also for entrepreneur alike to interact with each other about their online businesses.


This is what I realised what WA is after only a few days finding and learning – I read through the two founders – Kyle and Carson’s personal profile and their successful stories, also quite a few number of WA member’s life stories, and received many welcoming messages only a few days after joining in.


Yes that’s correct, unlike other money-making website, the look of this one doesn’t give you an immediate impression about ‘money-making’. It presents a lot of opportunities, an entrepreneur certification course to start with, which is part of this free membership for Wealthy Affiliate.


You get a free website to practise, the website content is your own and you can decide later on to purchase a domain for it or not, but at the start, it’s all FREE!!!!


The resource they provide through WA is almost endless, it helps to get you on your feet from starting a website, then onto other technical stuff. Below is a list of the resources but I’m sure there are more:

  • Video Tutorials
  • Course Lessons
  • Weekly Live Training
  • Access to Mentors
  • Member Training
  • Online Classrooms
  • Live Chat
  • Keyword Research
  • Content Training
  • Comment and Feedback forums
  • Social Media and Email Marketing
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Free images to use on your website
  • Branding
  • Finding the Right Niche
  • Pay Per Click Training
  • WordPress training
  • Learn to Build your Own Website using WordPress.
  • Websites and Website Hosting
  • Website Reports


Wealthy Affiliate – Set up your Goal


I am currently only at the start of my journey with WA. But I heard so many stories that people are able to quit their full-time job and doing their own business online, and I have set up myself some of the goals including:

  • Earn an extra income from my own online business
  • Up skill myself so I can run a business on my own
  • Spend more time with family and friends
  • Able to help others through the learning experience at WA
  • Travel around more places and just take my laptop with me – because I could and would be able to work anywhere I want!




This is pretty much the goal I’m aiming for currently. I feel motivated and inspired being around this many successful people and am hoping I will reach their successful point one day! Wealthy Affiliate has created this community where everyone is lending a helping hand to people who’s in need of shaping up their business or starting up (like myself).


Kyle and Carson are online pretty much all the time, I have received quite a few personal messages from them already! Great personal touch and inspiration!


Wealthy Affiliate – Rank Yourself

WA has a ranking system which is measured by the number of members you helped, number of training you published on WA and various interactions. Seeing yourself climbing the ranking tree is very much rewarding! I am pretty much at the bottom at the moment, but I believe I can climb up high and become an Ambassador one day!


There are quite number of high-ranking people will comment on any question you raised on WA, and point you the right direction where you should go. I feel that they genuinely enjoy helping new starters and to have that kind of support means a lot to me as I starting out.


In this review I couldn’t give you any figures on how successful I’ve become, but I will follow up another review very soon to let you know my personal progress and experience. Because I have a strong sense of confidence I will do well and grow my business with WA! In the meantime, why not sign up a free account today to try it out yourself – because it’s available and because you can – please click here to start today!!! I will see you the other side at WA community!