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Tag: yoga pose

5 Basic Yoga Poses We Should All Practise

Yoga hаѕ been wіth uѕ for thоuѕаndѕ of уеаrѕ, аnd hоw it саn still bе ѕееn аѕ a trend untіl nоw is іndееd rеmаrkаblе!...

Yoga Pose – Tree

  Tree pose, also known as Vrksasana according to The British Wheel of Yoga. The benefit of this pose is encouraging and improving body balance and...

Yoga Pose – Front Split

This yoga front split posture is probably one of the most challenging poses for us to reach our desired perfection. But remember getting there...

Yoga Pose – Triangle

Triangle, also known as Utthita Trikonasana,  The benefits of this pose are developing strength in the legs and encouraging an open chest.  Beginners should pay attention...

Yoga Pose – Chair

Chair Pose, Original Name is Utkatasana Pose What Does It Means to You? Yoga is a practice of keeping one’s body and mind relaxed in hectic...

Yoga Pose – Warrior II

Warrior II - Virabhadrasana II Step your left foot toward the back of your mat to come into warrior I. Bring the left heel to...

Yoga Pose – Thunderbolt

Thunderbolt posture, also know as 'hero' or 'Vajrasana' in Sanskrit language. The benefit of this posture, according to The British Wheel of Yoga, it stretches...