health, lady, diet, alcohol free
healthy tips for all the lady friends

I just happened to open an old clip book and found out this cut out article from ‘Glamour’, still find it very helpful in terms of maintain a healthy self, so I have quoted here – it was written by Hannah Ebelthite.



Every Day You Should…








1. Take a probiotic
“Friendly bacteria don’t just improve digestion, ” says Ian Marber, author of Super Eating. “They boost immunity, lower cholesterol and reduce your risk of bladder and lower cholesterol and reduce your risk of bladder and colorectal cancers.” So, stock up on yoghurt? Actually, “A daily capsule provides a much bigger dose.” Try Udo’s Choice Super 8 Hi-Protency Probiotic from ‘’



Do you really need to floss – everyday? “Only if you want to keep your teeth,” says dentist Dr Hap Gill ( Plus research shows people with gum disease (a consequence of not flossing) have double the chance of developing insulin resistance – a precursor to diabetes. Maybe those two minutes are worth it…

3. Count to five (then keep going)

That’s right, your five-a-day of fruit and vegetables is a bare minimum. “Aim for seven a day, four of which should be veg,” says Marber. “Remember, your lucky seven can include one juice and one veggie soup.”

4. Get your calcium

A recent US study found that 85% of women assume osteoporosis, the disease which makes bones brittle, won’t affect them. “Your twenties and thirties are when you must protect yourself,” says Dr Miriam Nelson, author of Strong Women, Strong Bones. Have three to four servings a day of low-fat-dairy, leafy green veg or calcium-rich nuts such as almonds or Brazils.
5. Work your pelvic floor

“You’re never too you’re to start,” insist GP Dr Dawn Harper, author of Dr Dawn’s Health Check. “The stronger your pelvic floor is before childbirth, the quicker it’ll bounce back afterwards. Even if babies aren’t on the horizon, strong muscles enhance sexual pleasure.” Tighten and release the muscles you use to stop peeing mid-flow, whenever you can – at the cash point, in the car… Now!

6. Clean your mobile

Still getting spots? Your mobile could be to blame. It heats up when you use it, so it’s the ideal breeding ground for bacteria. Plus a recent report by the British Association Of Dermatologists claimed the nickel found in half of all phones can cause skin flare-ups. Buy some antibacterial wipes, quick!

7. See your friends

Remember spending every Friday night with your best friends? Work, home life and your partner may take priority now, but keeping a strong link with your girlfriends is essential. A study in Psychosomatic Medicine found lonely women were more at risk of heart disease than those with larger social circles.

8. Rest your digestion

“Once a week, give your digestive system a rest by following a ‘clean’ diet, ” suggests nutritionist Amanda Hamilton, co-author of Life Changing Weight Loss. “Skip animal products, all processed foods, caffeine and sugar, and fill up on veggies, pulses, nuts, seeds and whole grains.”Studies have shown people who choose the vegetarian option take in fewer calories and fat throughout the day.

9. Go teetotal

“Alcohol is a toxin your body has to work super-hand to get rid of,”says Marber. “At least one day a week, give your liver a fighting chance and stick to water. The rest of the week, keep within recommended guidelines of no more than two to three units of alcohol a day [and no more than 14 units per week].”

10. Check your oil

We all know oily fish are good for us, thanks to the omega-3 fatty acids they contain, but how many of us really get our fill? According to recent research, only around 25% of us. “You need to eat three portions of oily fish, such as salmon, trout or sardines every week, to reap the proven anti-inflammatory, anti-depressive, great-cancer and heart-protective benefits,” says Marber. “If you’re not a fan, take a daily DHA and EPA fish-oil supplement,” he suggests. Try Solgar Omega-3 700 (

Every  month… You should

11. Be breast aware

Breast awareness is crucial – nine out of ten cancers are detected by women themselves, or their partners. The key is to get to know your breasts! Familiarise yourself with how they look and feel at different times of the month by touch, sight and tenderness. “Bet aware of abnormal changes to their size, your nipples, rashes or discharges, skin changes, swelling or pain, as well as lumps,” says Breast Cancer Care clinical nurse specialist Antonia Dean. ” Report changes to your GP immediately.” Visit for more info.

12. Make a list

If you food-shop on the hop, vow to make a proper list before you hit the supermarket – and stock your kitchen at least once a month. A study from New York University found people who shop without a list are more likely to buy high-calorie foods. Making (and sticking to!) a list will help you resist temptation.


13. Monitor your moles

As well as getting any changes in size, border, shape, colour or texture checked out, pay extra attention to your scalp and neck – researchers at the University of North Carolina discovered that melanomas found here are the the most deadly. For peace of mind, consider a check-up at The Mole Clinic, from


14. Detox your desk

Desks are the dirtiest places in the average office building. So says recent research from Arizona State University – and yes, it included the looks. In fact, your desk probably contains 400 times more bacteria than the average public toilet seat. What’s more, women’s desks are three times more toxic than men’s, because we’re more likely to eat and apply make-up at our desks, leaving behind particles for bacteria to feed on. And you wonder why you catch every cold, flu or stomach bug going. Time for a spring – clean…

15. Set fitness goals

“If you don’t make regular changes to your exercise routine,your fitness will plateau,” says personal trainer Stuart Amory. “Your metabolism adjusts so you don’t need to burn as many calories, your muscles don’t have to work as hard, and your brain isn’t challenged. Every month, make one change – try a new class or up your mileage.”

Twice  a year… You should

16. Review your meds

In an ideal world, your GP would call you in for reviews to check any drugs your’re on are still necessary and still suit you. “But this doesn’t happen,” says Dr Harper. “So it’s important to make an appointment instead of requesting repeat prescriptions.”

17. Give blood

Every year the National Blood Service needs to collect 2.1 million blood donations to cope with the number of medical procedures carried out in the UK. Giving just under a pint of blood takes about ten minutes. Find out where and how at

18. See your dentist

Over half of us fail to see a dentist regularly. “It can mean the difference between losing a tooth and not, “” warns Dr Gill. “Plus, your dentist can spot early signs of oral cancer.” (Tip: teeth become more sensitive in the week before your period, so book your appointment accordingly.)

19. Get a new sports bra

“All. Women need a bra designed for maximum impact,” says Dr Joanna Scurr. And it’ll need replacing twice a year because it will lose elasticity with use.

20. Tackle two bad habits at once

A US study found that people who tried to lower their salt intake at the same time as quitting smoking were twice as likely to succeed than those who just made one change every six months. “Health benefits work in synergy,” says clinical hypnotherapist Georgia Foster. So be ambitious and double your efforts.

Once a year…

21. Get an STI all-clear

If you’ve never been tested or you/ve had a new partner in the past year, visit your local GUM clinic. Infections such as chlamydia are on the increase in all age groups. “And left unchecked, many can cause infertility,” warns Dr Harper.

22. Check if your smear’s due

“We know it saves lives, yet young women aren’t getting their smears – uptaken in the 25-34 age group is going down, ” says Dr Anne Szarewski, cervical screening expert at Cancer Research UK’s Wolfson Institute of Preventive Medicine. “Cervical cancer is the only cancer we can successfully screen for and treat before it develops. You must have a smear test every three years from the age of 25 onwards.”

23. Say what?

Hearing damage isn’t  just for the elderly. If you’re a gig-goer or clubber, or have your iPod too high, your hearing may be suffering. Take the Royal National Institute for the Deaf’s free telephone hearing check by calling 0845 600 5555.

24. Check your thyroi

Although it’s still fairly rare, thyroid cancer is on the increase, so perform this yearly self-check: standing in front of a mirror, lift your chin up and sip a drink. As you swallow, watch your lower neck for any knots. Report bulges or asymmetry to your GP.

25. Consider your contraception

Does your contraception suit you? Figures from the Family Planning Association show that 35% of users rely on the Pill, and 30% on condoms, yet there are many alternatives. “Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives (LARCs), such as injections, patches, rings and implants, are less hassle and more effective than ever,” says Dr Szarewski. See for more info.